Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What the UPS guy left on the porch recently

I haven't bought too many entirely new games recently, opting instead to beef up existing parts of my collection.

Among the few games I picked up that represented brand new game systems (to me) was a copy of the deluxe edition of Twilight Struggle, which is on tap for play this weekend and Jena 20, which came with C3i magazine. I'm not sure when I'll get to that one, although it does look interesting. On the euro front I got a copy of Pandemic, which has already hit the table with the family.

Some of my recent complete game acquisitions represent game systems I already own. I picked up the Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 game, part of the A&A line. The widow of my good friend Mark Perry sent me his pre-ordered copy of Battle Above the Clouds because she wanted it to go to a good home.

But most of the UPS guy's trips have brought good stuff that add to existing games such as Wave 10 of the Heroscape expansions; a Gale Force 9 map for Axis & Allies War at Sea; the Small World expansions; the Wings of War maps, more Lost Worlds books and the latest expansions for Memoir '44 and Commands & C0lors: Ancients.

This continues a trend of me preferring to spend less time on new stuff, largely because I simply don't have time or opponents for it. When I do buy something new to me, it's generally not really a new game. Jena 20, Pandemic, and Twilight Struggle are all well-established hits. Am I turning into an old fogey?

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