Friday, March 28, 2008

I'd love to see a Deluxe edition of The Awful Green Things From Outer Space

The Awful Green Things From Outer Space has been in print, more or less continuously, for more than 20 years through something like seven different editions.

It's a fun, wacky little game that's never been wildly popular but has been steadily popular. It's the sort of game that folks haul out very so often and play again.

One thing that all seven editions have had in common is that none of them have been particularly nice. Many have been downright cheap. The artwork by Tom Wham is one of the main charms of the game and excuses the inexpensive components somewhat.

But a deluxe treatment of this game is really overdue. At least one fan has created his own block game version.

And if you look at the gallery in BGG you'll see a lot of handmade 3D verisions of the game.

These are great, but many of us don't have the time or tlanet to do somethin g like that, but would love to have a version, perhaps with plastic pieces. That would be a fine eiditon to have.

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