Commentary, reviews and news about games played by adults looking for a challenge.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
This is an interesting development
Monday, March 30, 2009
Game nght at church
We had a number of old favorites and classics of course, such as Scrabble, Sorry, Yahtzee and cribbage. But I was also able to introduce some newer stuff to several comments like "I've never seen that before" such as Lost Cities, Hive and Heroscape.
We also had games of dominoes, Oh-Wah-Ree and Abalone hit the table.
Fluxx was also a big hit, I think it's a perfect game for an outing like this, being fun, easy to learna nd very quick to play.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Game company assholery

So I contacted the reseller and they said yes, Games Workshop insists they remove all images of Games Workshop products. They admitted it probably wasn't legal, but it wasn't worth the legal fight.
I have to admit I find the whole thing bizarre. It would be like Ford, GM or Toyota saying used car dealers can't use pictures of their cars in their ads.
Games Workshop has a reputation among brick retailers as well, and frankly I don't think the hobby needs this sort of attitude. They're games, not life-saving medicines. There's plenty of fish in this sea and there's no profit in being the stinky ones.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New geeklist posted
Well, not really. But it does celebrate one small perk of beinga round for a long time and that it the opportunity to build up some continuity with game systems. Over the years through a Darwinian ruthlessness I've pared down my collection a bit, but I did get to start on the ground floor with some games and game systems that I still enjoy a lot.

In some cases, such as the Tactical Combat Series originally from The Gamers and now published by MMP it would be impossible to have a complete set if starting now at any kind of price that I would be willing to pay. It's also been instructive to follow the evolution of the game system since Bloody 110 came out.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Nice little brush fire on BGG over sexed-up Amazons in the Small World game

Of course real-life Amazons tended to show somewhat less skin, at least they did sometimes.
The Dahomey Amazons reportedly often went into battle dressed in similar fashion to this image, but by the time they fought the French they had proper uniforms.
Interestingly, there's an actual example of a Dahomey Amazon uniform on display at the Whitby Museum in England.
The Dahomey Amazons were defeated by the French in 1890 but were lauded by their opponents for their incredible courage. They were the elite of the Dahomey army, a king's bodyguard. Fighting a modern, well-equipped western army, they took very heavy losses and the unit, along with the rest of the army of Dahomey (which was mostly male) was basically destroyed, along with the kingdom.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Renault R-35
The Renault R-35 has been a rather popular piece, showing up no fewer than three times so far.
It was collector No. 2/48 from the Base Set, No. 14/60 of the 1939-45 set and 57/60 of the Eastern Front set.

Rarity: Rare in the base set, uncommon otherwise
Speed: 2
Defense: 4/4
Cost: 9
Attacks vs troops at short-medium-long ranges: 6 - 6 - 4
Attacks vs vehicles at short-medium-long ranges: 8 - 7 - 5
Special abilities: Trench Crossing
Revision: The French version is a "1940" card in base set and 1939-45 sets instead of a"1939" card
Historical text: French versions - The R-35's extension rails helped it cross trenches and other obstacles at the expense of speed and firepower
Romanian version - Romania bought 41 R-35s from France and acquired 34 Polish R-35s from units that retreated into Romania.

The unit in history: The R-35 was meant to be the standard light tank supporting French infantry divisions, replacing the World War I veteran FT-17. It was the most common French tank in 1940, with more than 1,600 built. A few ended up in service in other armies, including Poland and Romania as noted on the Romanian card. After the 1940 campaign a few French R-35s saw combat in North Africa and Syria against the Allies. Other notable actions involving R-35s were by the German 100th Panzer Battalion in Normandy against American paratroopers and Arab fighters against Israelis at Degania in 1948. Contrary to the flavor text, the lack of firepower and speed were not a trade-off for havingt he extension rails but were a combination of doctrinal beliefs, design compromises for weight and availability of weapons. The tank was envisioned as an inexpensive infantry support vehicle so it didn't need a lot of speed and anti-infantry capability was more important than antitank power.

The unit in the game: The R-35 's forte is its high defense value for its cost, which makes it pretty tough by 1940 tank standards. It's foibles are minimal speed and low antitank values. The piece is always available to French armies under standard construction rules , with a 1940 date (originally 1939, but changed to 1940 in the revised cards), but realistically it should have an end date of 1940 as well . It could also represent Vichy French troops on the Axis side in campaigns in Syria and Africa until such time as a specific Vichy French figure shows up in the Axis OB. The In Romanian service it's well past its prime, but they don't have a lot to choose from so it may be of some use as an infantry support vehicle.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Curt Schilling retires
I seem to recall that he said once that he promised his wife that MMP would be a self-sustaining business, in other words his baseball earnings were not going to subsidize his hobby. So I wouldn't expect his retirement to mean more funds for the business.
On the other hand, he may have more time available, even if he spends a lot of it on other business opportunities. That time may very well have a lot of value in itself, but it also could mean a better focus. Given that Schilling is obviously a highly competitive person, directing some of his competitive energy into making MMP a bigger company wouldn't be surprising.
Does the Kindle have any implications on gaming?

It's not a good game-playing platform, of course, although it appears some folks are trying. I see some things that look like they might be games on Amazon.
But it could be a useful supplement to boardgames. Rules, for example, are often posted on the Web now. The Kindle can read Web pages, but perhaps a specific Kindle application of the rules would be useful. One of the selling points of the Kindle editions of books is their ability to be updated, which would be very helpful indeed for wargame rules.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Memoir '44 and Tide of Iron scenario books, a comparative component review

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Small World looks intriguing

Sunday, March 15, 2009
501st Post on Pawnderings
This started off as a catch-all general Seth blog, but I found the diversity of my interests made for a rather schizo blog -- posting one moment about some fun game and the next about some human rights abuse made for a rather jarring read.
Hence I split off the political commentary into its own blog at where it seems to exist quite happily. That blog is mostly a place for me to vent, but feel free to check it out.
Recently I also started yet another blog to discuss in more detail the distressing state of the newspaper industry. It's called Death Notices and can be found here:
My primary blog remains this one, however, because games are certainly a lot more fun to write about than politics and the press, even if less consequential.
Here's to the next 500 posts.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
That explains a lot, old age begins at 27!
To summarize, researchers suggest that mental ability peaks at 22 and starts to decline at 27. Presumably experience counts for a lot, and allows for improved performance for many decades afterwards, but the actual peak of our cognitive abilities comes much earlier.
I don't find this surprising, actually. Einstein made his biggest breakthroughs while still in his 20s and chess masters arrive at their exalted status as teens or young adults, not as people nearing retirement.
I've noticed that the intricate, detailed wargames that fascinated me as a young man no longer hold as much attraction now that I'm much older. I thought that I'd simply lost patience with them, or "matured" in my tastes or something like that. But it may be something as simple as the fact that I'm not quite as sharp as I was back then for that sort of thing. It's too much work now. Back then it didn't seem like work.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Reviewing collectible games from a wargamer's perspective: Axis & Allies miniatures
The biggest caveat is, of course, the collectible format.
The drawbacks are well-known. It can be expensive to acquire a reasonably sized set for playing

These drawbacks are mitigated somewhat in A&A Minis, however. One can easily skip the whole blind purchase thing with purchases off of eBay and quite possibly save some money and certainly save a lot of aggravation. The pace of releases and the modest size of those releases

Indeed, quite a few people don't use the figures to play the provided A&A minis rules at all, but use the figures to play real miniatures games such as Flames of War or Battlefront.
I say "real" miniatures because, in reality, A&A miniatures is not really a miniatures game at all, but a hex-based tactical board wargame that happens to use miniature figures. It's really much more similar to something like Tide of Iron or Memoir '44 than like Flames of War.
That tactical game isn't bad. It's a very basic, simple tactical wargame with some interesting aspects and reasonable fidelity to history. It's primary purpose, however, is to give you some rules to use to play with your toys. Nothing wrong with that, but it's hard to imagine that someone who calls himself a wargamer won't already have some favorite tactical level World War II wargame. A&A minis won't supplant that game, although it may supplement it.
No, the primary reason for buying A&A miniatures are the figures, themselves. They are generally pretty well done and provide an interesting selection of forces, troop types and nations.
The first five sets (Base Set, Set II, D-Day, Contested Skies and Reserves) added up to 228

And all the first five sets suffered from inconsistency in scale between models. The first five sets, although marketed as "15mm" were not really 15mm in scale as far as the vehicle models. There were closer to a 12mm scale, which meant they were incompatible with standard 15mm models from other manufacturers, much to the disappointment of many gamers. The 228 different units, however, gave the game a big enough set of alternatives to choose from that the game itself still worked and the problem figures were few enough that they didn't ruin the game.
Still, Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast took a big gamble when they issued the next sets because they changed the vehicle scale to a truer 15mm! This meant that all the earlier models were noticeably smaller than the new tanks. While having absolutely no game effect, it did have mess up the aesthetics of the game a bit. Still, they pressed ahead and the next three sets (1939-45, North Africa and Eastern Front) now add up to 180 different units (with some duplicates) including reissues of most of the important fighting vehicles from the first sets in the new, larger size. Players seem to have accepted this change and with the next set the newer,larger size will constitute a majority of the line. (The newer sets are also larger, with 60 different units, compared to the 45-48 of the first sets).
Quality control seems improved, with no absolutely horrid mistakes like the M3 or MesserSpit showing up, although a few of the models have come in for some criticism from purists.
The new, larger size for the tanks also resulted in a change in the maps being used, going to 3-inch hexes instead of the 2-inch hexes used before. Many of the late war heavy tanks and assault guns were simply way too big for a 2-inch hex.
When I first heard about Axis & Allies Miniatures I was excited, hoping that it might bring more interest to historical topics and history-based wargaming. The fact that it's gone through eight sets and spun off two naval sets with at least two more sets in the wings would have been too much to hope for, especially in the hyper-competitive niche market of collectible games. What helps A&A minis in that market is that I think there is relatively little overlap between A&A players and the players of other competitive collectibles. I also think Hasbro/WOTC seems to have had realistic expectations for the game and it has met their marketing goals (something that Dreamblade did not do, which resulted in its demise, even though I suspect its sales figures were similar).
I think the game is worth a look for the wargamer who might be tempted to trya collectible game. I've generally bought the boosters in small batches with an occasional purchase of a case. When I'm down to needing my last four or five rares I'll go ahead and buy them on eBay to fill out the collection. Following this strategy I've been able to complete the first six sets without breaking the bank and having useful numbers of the uncommons and commons for gaming. Having a little imbalance among my rares doesn't bother me, I consider it to just add a little personality to my choices. But one can also buy whole sets off eBay easily enough.
If just starting out, however, I wouldn't recommend going back and buying from the first five sets unless your a completist collector. Nearly all of the models from the first set will be reissued at some point, if they haven't already. If you're just getting into the game, it's safe to start with

Overall, I would recommend the game, despite the collectible aspect.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Axis and Allies Miniatures: MAS 7.5mm Rifle

Base set figure
Saturday, March 7, 2009
No, it wasn't a breakfast cereal. It was the infamous "Zone of Control." All the earliest Avalon Hill classics had them, as did most of the old SPI quads and their kin. I learned about them so early in my wargame career that for a long time I gave them little thought, despite some articles in MOVES magazine about them. It was easy to forget what an artificial thing they were, and how they could distort game tactics.
Mastering the effects of ZOCs was required for good play in those old classics, but I don't think they really added much in the way of realism. One of the refreshing things about XTR's games was that almost all of them dispensed with ZOCs.
When you really think about it, a ZOC probably means that the there's a mismatch between the size of a unit and the size of the hexes. If a division can cover a 12-mile front then perhaps the hexes ought to be 12-miles across and not 4 miles across with ZOCs accounting for the other 8 miles.
ZOC rules lead to oddities such as occupying every other hex along a hex grain, whereas in actual operations you would generally occupy a more-or-less continuous line.
Overall, I think ZOCs are best dispensed with.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
More Lore, please
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Candy Land movie?!
My wars
Quite a few Twilight Zone episodes were set in World War II, which is no surprise considering that Rod Serling was a combat vet himself. The war was also a popular theme for other TV shows. Some were action-oriented like Combat, Rat Patrol and 12-O'Clock High. Others were even comedies like McHale's Navy and, amazingly, Hogan's Heroes set in a prison camp.
And World War II movies were omnipresent on afternoon TV movie shows.
While my dad was a Korean War vet (the forgotten war) my best friend's dad was a veteran of Guadalcanal and we were therefore really excited when we found out there was an Avalon Hill game on the topic.
My own kids seem far less interested in such things, I guess because my own wars lack the drama of World War II, but I did get to serve in at least two wars in my own military career.
The least dramatic, although perhaps more important,was the Cold War. I served, like so many others, in the struggle between the democratic West and the Reds. Although it was a shooting war in some places and times, notably Korea and Vietnam, most of it involved little shooting but a
The 1st Battalion, 80th Field Artillery was equipped with the Lance, a tactical ballistic missile that could be armed with a conventional warhead, but was primarily meant as a nuclear delivery system.
The counter depicts the missile on its portable launcher as deployed for airmobile use, but that was a rarely used capability that, frankly, seemed untenable on a battlefield. While the launcher had wheels, you couldn't safely tow the missile that way.
Instead the missile was almost invariably deployed on its fully tracked carrier, as example of

Ironically, by going to Germany I may have missed out on being deployed to the shooting war that DID occur during my active duty stint, the Invasion of Grenada. I was on active duty in the first place because I had done well at the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course at Fort Sill. At the time they offered the top-performing reserve component officer the chance to go on active duty and I had the choice of going to Germany or going to Fort Bragg to be in the 82nd Airborne.
I had long wanted to go to Germany (I even took German in high school) so it was an easy choice, but in retrospect it's easy to se how things could have been different. Whether or not I would have happened to be part of the 82d that deployed to Grenada is impossible to say, but it was a possibility.
I likewise missed the First Gulf War, being at the time in the 26th Yankee Infantry Division. At the time the National Guard insisted that only whole units should be deployed. This meant that, given that no infantry divisions were needed, that the only Mass. National Guard units that saw combat were some non-divisional MP and truck units. The Guard changed their mind about that rule.
As my military career seemed about to wind down without seeing any action whatsoever, I was quite surprised to get a summons to active duty in 2003! I was in the Individual Ready Reserve by then, the non-drilling reserve component. Apparently the Army was short on field grade

The counter above, from the game Operation Iraqi Freedom, depicts some of the Special Forces troops that were part of JSOTF-N.
As it turned out, the refusal of the Turkish government to allow the 4th Mech Division to invade Iraq from the north meant I didn't personally have a very active war, as I was assigned to the "ground fires" section that was responsible for coordinating artillery fire. In the actual event there was just one 6-gun battery of 105m howitzers in our area that the 173rd Airborne Brigade brought along and all the fire support that the special forces teams received was in the form of air strikes coordinated by the Air Force folks instead of us.
I did get to serve, and although it wasn't a time of high drama personally, I've been around long enough to recognize that every small bit part does play its role in the larger story. War and politics being unpredictable, it's hard to say that things might not have played out differently. Or even that the way events did unfold was not in part because of our presence. Certainly the JSOTF-N did occupy the attention of a dozen Iraqi divisions using little more than three battalions-worth of green berets, some Kurds and about four battalions worth of Marines, paratroopers and mountain light infantry. There's little glory in an Economy of Force mission, but it's a Principle of War for good reason.
Here's me in Iraq:

That's one of the special ops helicopters used to support the green berets and other special operators.